Tutorial #1 - Upload a WorkDoc
Now for your first creative endeavour in Casenoter.
Let’s upload a WorkDoc.
A WorkDoc is any research material which you have considered important enought to save:-
a Law Case
a Law Article
a Seminar Paper
Step 1.
Click on Upload WorkDoc at the top of the screen.
Up will pop the dialogue box to upload the WorkDoc.
All you do is either: -
Drag and Drop a file into the dialogue box, or
Browse your computer to find the document you wish to upload.
Step 2.
The name of your document is added automatically – you can change it if you wish.
Press Done and you have saved your WorkDoc into Casenoter.
Step 3.
Go to My Work Center in Casenoter.
There is the WorkDoc you have uploaded.
Step 4.
Click on the WorkDoc and it will Open.
Please note that there is a design fault which we are rectifying - sometimes the PDF will not be visible. This issue is being rectified.
You can then organise the WorkDoc by linking it to a client Matter or one of your Binders: -
As well as adding Keywords from the Casenoter Topic Tree: -