Tutorial #5 - Add Keywords and Browse the Libraries

All the content which users create in Casenoter is stored in the different Casenoter Libraries.

You can access all this content in the Global Library. Casenoter helps users to help each other by sharing the knowledge.

You get to explore any content which has been made Global by the creator of the content.

The content you personally have created is saved onto your My Library.

You can either Browse the Libraries or Search the Libraries for content. 

Go to the Libraries screen. Click on the Browse button and you can browse for any content which has been saved under a particular Area of Law, and Topic and with a Keyword assigned to the Content.

You can also Search for any content.

You can also select the Global Library where you will find content created by other users. Making all the content created by Casenoter users easily accessible.

Or you can see all the content you have saved in your own personal My Library.

Libraries are where all knowledge is shared. The Casenoter Library, especially the Global Library, will hopefully become the source of knowledge for all Casenoter users.