Tutorial #6 - Search Austlii using Casenoter Assisted Search

From within the Casenoter App you can conduct your own Austlii Search.

Click Open Browser Window and the Search Parameter box appears in a new Browser Window.

You can either  (1) Select All databases, or (2) Select databases that you wish to conduct the Austlii Search.

You can also create a Default Database Selection by saving your favourite Courts and Jurisdictions. 

Then Add Keywords from the Casenoter Topic Tree.

Then click Run Search, and your search will be completed. The results will be shown.

You might like to click the little up arrow to reduce the Search Parameter box, you can always click the down arrow to see the Search Parameter box if you want to conduct another search.

You can then save the search as a Saved Search.

Go to your Work Center where you will find the Saved Search. You can then open the Saved Search and run the search again.